Friday, May 7, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I want to cry!!!

Shawn say farewell to us because the undertaker defeat Shawn.Career vs The Streak 17:0.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Yesterday,while I was playing bowling with my family,a boy at the other lane bowled and got a strike,he showed off his underwear.Like he was mad or something.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My computer mouse gone crazy

As I was using computer and surfing in the internet, my com (computer) mouse gone crazy.The arrow shown on the computer kept running around like it just saw a ghost like that.It was crazy you know,C.R.A.Z.Y!!!

A problem

Today, it was just a normal day and guess what had happened?Yah my student care teacher just said I was outside playing with my friend.I hate that teacher's ugly face.My mother needed to walk from my student care to the basketball court.It was quite far you know.I went out of my student care with my belonging and walk around my block to find my mother.I walk to the opposite side and walked until my mother suddenly pop out.My mother was angry with that teacher and I am too.This was the problem.Remember I HATE THAT TEACHER!!!!!!!!!

The moral of the story (problem) is:We must not be foolish like
that teacher!!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First time on blogspot!!!

Yo, this is the first time writing a blog. I'm just a beginner. I quite like this blog.I got so many friends @ jwps since pri 1-4.I'm going to like this blog so much.My mind is going wild.Yah man rock on!!!